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What are different heat gun nozzles for?

  1. What are different heat gun nozzles for?

    Nozzles enable precise working on different jobs. For example to direct the airflow to a specific point, or to keep it away from a window. A lot of different nozzles are available on the market, and some of the most common types are shown here.
  2. 1) Air reducer nozzle:

    This can be used when you need heat at a specific point.
  3. 2) Hook nozzle:

    This is ideal for bending plastic pipes, soldering copper pipes, applying heat shrink tubing or any other job in which the heat needs to be directed all around the workpiece.
  4. 3) Air spreader nozzle:

    This can be used when you need intense heat to remove old floor coverings or vinyl tops, and to burn off paint.
  5. 4) Deflector nozzle:

    This can be used to deflect the air away from the glass when stripping paint from a window frame or when softening putty.